Friday, September 12, 2014

The Beagles Have Landed

Day 54
Houston. MO to Eminence, MO
Distance: 44 miles
Temperature: 56F
Max speed: 44.09 mph

A short hop today and, perhaps as a result, not huge amounts on which to report…

Yesterday’s chilly spell continued into today and Steed and I set off once more into a misty morning… I think Fall is upon us.

This time, though, I headed for a big and leisurely breakfast before hitting the road. Knowing I had only four hours or so of cycling, perhaps less, I was pretty relaxed about setting off around 10am, or even a little later.

I whiled away some time at The Eatin’ Place, which did what it said on the tin, and ate so much that I was actually a little worried that I might start sicking some of it back up into my mouth once I started climbing in earnest on today’s hills (TMI… yes, that does happen… very occasionally).

As luck would have it, the early hills were fairly kind, although the weather not so much. The princess “shrug” had to be replaced by the full-sleeved Windstopper. Even the Smelly Roberts found themselves elevated into the first couple of layers in the pannier, although in the event I didn’t call on them.

No, instead I found myself being lightly rained on, and so the wet-weather gear made an appearance and remained on for the whole day.  

Stopping for a quick coffee at Summersville and took a photo of the flags in the Veteran’s park. 

I then tackled the steep hills through the River Valley and into Eminence, which offered equal chance to get some speed up on the descents as they did take the wind out of your sails when you would come almost to a complete halt trying to climb up them. 

I was grateful to find fewer loose dogs today. 

I forgot to mention in yesterday’s blog that the Bark Genie finally came into play. Having encountered a number of loose dogs who were totally uninterested in the touring cyclist riding by, I was starting to wonder if the Genie was working on its own purely by virtue of having batteries in it, and without having to press the button.

Then I got my answer. A pack of dogs loitering around outside of one house pushed forward their Bassett Hound and an elegant looking whippet cross, who charged over to me, the Bassett barking loudly and deeply and showing no signs of retreating. But I could see after a few seconds that both dogs were wagging their tails, despite the Bassett giving it his best, and so I put my hand down to say hello, and earned the right to tell them to get back home, which they reluctantly did.

I was just pondering on how I might not need the Genie after all, when another couple of chancers came out of nowhere at full pelt. These ones were a bit more serious and a strange looking pair. An elegant, muscle-bound Shar Pei, which was somehow chunky and yet surprisingly sleek at the same time (with hardly any wrinkles), watching proceedings from close quarters as a stocky and rough looking smaller mutt, with a wiry black coat and big white fangs that he bared for my benefit, went mental at me. 

It was like watching Floyd Mayweather being guarded by a mouthy Danny Devito. But I had no doubts that, despite his cool, calm demeanour, if Floyd decided he wanted to mess with me, all that would be left as he licked his lips and dabbed them with a white napkin would be a neat gall bladder, and the metal cleats on the base of my cycling shoes.

And so the Bark Genie came out of the handlebar bag… Pressing the button to emit an ultrasonic noise that dogs dislike (apparently), I was impressed as I saw that Danny recoil slightly and look puzzled. But as I tried to move off, he was back at me again. And so I attempted the complex manoeuvre of riding off with the button pressed and aimed in their direction (behind me) and trusting that it would keep the mutts far enough back to let me make my getaway safely. Phew…

Arriving early afternoon in Eminence, I had a chilled afternoon and then wandered out to eat. My B&B was right across the street from a restaurant offering as much fried catfish as you could eat…which was tempting. But I opted instead for pasta and then a few drinks in the Double O saloon (right next to the B&B).

There I had a great chat with Larry, who had spent time in the UK years ago working for NATO, and played pool with Rusty, whose niece worked behind the bar and whose daughter had just fed me in the restaurant above the bar – indeed, he seemed to be related to most of the bar! I then met some lovely ladies, Heather, Kaci and Katrina to laugh and chat with and for a quick spin around the dance-floor to the live band. A fun night.

Me x

1 comment:

  1. Hope today's roads give you some escape from the trucks. So glad you are meeting some kind people on the way! Wish I could just drop by for dinner but looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks. What time zone are you in now? Lol. SB xxxx
