Wednesday, September 10, 2014

All Bound for MO MO Land

Day 52
Marshfield, MO
Distance: zero miles (non-cycling day)
Margaritas consumed: a Jumbo… OK and then an additional small one…

A quiet day resting, and without a hangover…

I contented myself with the usual “rest-day” activities including laundry, and prowling the aisles at the local Walgreens.

Tonight I went back to the Famous Mexican Next to the Hotel and resisted the urge to have another Monster Margarita. I settled for a Jumbo (32 oz as opposed to the 50oz of last night). I would have stopped at that (honest) but I got chatting to a great group of girls on another table, and so topped up with a sneaky small one (with an extra tequila shot)… as you do.

Hopefully, the ladies of Marshfield, MO are coming to visit me in London next year!

Back on the road tomorrow.

Me x


  1. HP kindly said I could add this to the blog for those who don't have access to facebook. She put into words what I have been struggling to say: Kat - I've just read another two weeks of your blog. Before reading your supplemental posts I was already in awe at your strength, determination and courage at the cycle tour/journey you have set yourself. Reading your posts I am silenced by all that you have endured. You are an inspiration and I am beyond thankful you are here and have a voice and are free. Love you lots. HP x

    1. Thank you so much HP and SB. I could not have come through all of this without amazing friends and family (including both of you). My friends and family are my daily inspiration, as are the kind people I am meeting as I make this journey. Thanks as ever for your ongoing and consistent support. I love you both xx
