Thursday, October 2, 2014

Call Me Fluff

Day 74
Charlottesville, VA to Ashland, VA
Distance: 99 miles
Time to think: lots of it

I’m not sure how many blog readers will remember Call My Bluff, the British TV game show (or Call Me Fluff in my parlance)?

It’s where the people on one team give three different explanations as to the meaning of an obscure word, only one of which is true. The other team has to decide which is the true definition, and who is bluffing.

Well, I had a l-o-t of time on the bike today to consider this in relation to the word "Bumpass".

Yep, I had a full 99 miles worth of time. When I set off into an overcast Charlottesville, I realised I would be cycling around 90 miles. But yet again somehow I had underestimated the total distance.

It didn’t matter though. The ride today was gently rolling, for which my legs were eternally grateful. 
And I was pedalling through country roads with little traffic, surrounded by trees of many different beautiful colours. What with the temperature and the light winds, it was another near perfect cycling day.

Steed and I made good time to our lunch spot, bumping into Karel again literally a couple of miles before then, and just as he was about to turn off onto a different road to get to his destination for the night, which was slightly off the route.

And it was after lunch that I started pondering the question of the day in earnest. I even started to imagine Steed with a pink bow tie on doing a Frank Muir impression as part of my own Call Me Fluff set up.


(1) the movement made by happy people doing the hands, knees and boomps a daisy routine?

(2) a ball in a game of hockey, football (soccer) or rugby which arrives just behind you as you are running forward?

(3) getting into a nightclub for free because the bouncer/doorman likes your booty?

Naturally, (3) is my favourite. But of course it’s none of the above. It’s a tiny place in Virginia, too small to be incorporated but with its own post office.

Yep, that’s the kind of thing that amuses you during 99 miles on the road.

Despite the distance, I made it to Ashland in good time and even while the bike shop was still open, so I could give Steed’s tyres a final pump up.

After showering, I headed across the road from my hotel to a fantastic little sushi bar hiding in the middle of an average strip mall.

Back now and super tired again… just for a change.

Only one more long day, and then a short hop to the coast on Saturday morning. I still can’t quite believe it.

Me x 


  1. Yeah yeah! Bumpass!! My favorite is number 1. Of course I'd treat it as a verb. For examle, "after her trip across the USA on bicycle, Katrina bumpassed around the town of Yorktown for an hour while managing to ignore every local's stare at her odd behavior." Hahaha. I hope you have a good bumpass at the end ms. Paws.

  2. Haha! Well, let's hope your mates Howl and Wail aren't coming to meet me. I think an adjective might be in order too... Jerry had a bumpass kinda day as he pedalled into Oregon with Howl and Wail constantly in his face.
